My Thoughts and Motivation

getting healthy the right way

A good weekend June 29, 2009

I had a pretty good weekend. Did some partying with friends and some exercising too!

Friday Odessa finally had her spay surgery, and it went well. She was bouncing all over the house by saturday afternoon like her belly had not just been sliced open 24 hours before (EEK).
I woke up on Saturday morning in the mood to exercise, so I went to the gym and pushed out 30 minutes of cardio to the beats of Michael Jackson on my ipod…..Felt great!
We had party plans that night with friends and had a great time. I did not eat too poorly and drank many mojitos. Which in my defense are on the list of Mens Health Healthiest cocktails to order!
We make them fresh too, with our own mint from my newly monkered mojito tree!
We had a great time, and got home super late.

We did not sleep in to much the next day, but it was raining so our hiking plans were again put on hold. It rains every weekend here 😦

My husband got me a cool new gift though…..a shiny new four burner gas grill with a side burner and rotisserie set up!
He knows how much I love my rotisserie chickens!

I told him it would be easier for me to cook up healthy meats if I had a grill to grill on! He is a charcoal griller 100% and we will still eat meat he grills, the old fashioned way. I on the other hand have no clue how to charcoal grill, and I am a little afraid of it…so I am happy with my click it on and grill it way of doing things! I’m getting a pink grilling apron:)

I went to the gym this morning and had a pretty good workout. I bumped my time up to 35 minutes of cardio and I honestly could have gone longer but I forgot my ipod 😦
Next time I am pushing for 40!!!

Hope everyone has a healthy happy week!