My Thoughts and Motivation

getting healthy the right way

Weigh in Day! June 24, 2009

Filed under: Healthy eating,motivation,personal — athenapink @ 9:27 am
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I really, really did not want to step on the scale today….I just felt heavy and I knew it would not be good. Well I stepped on and what do you know I lost 3 pounds! I am so excited, finally a drop! 152!
I worked out yesterday but for the most part I just really watched what I ate this week and this past weekend. I picked lighter options and really had some self control when I was surrounded with things to over eat.

I finally get to pull some numbers for my team, Go Team Coral~


5 Responses to “Weigh in Day!”

  1. Congrats on your loss. It’s always nice to see a number like that especially when we didn’t want to step on the scale in the first place! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Brooke Says:

    that’s awesome!! great work. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Christy Says:

    GREAT JOB!!!! You had an amazing loss and I’m sure you’re motivation is sky high now! Ride it girl, and keep up the good work!!

  4. April Says:

    GREAT JOB!! I’ve totally had weeks just like that. I didn’t think I did well at all and I lost! It’s awesome!! Keep up the great work!

  5. Sweet Pea Says:

    Thats awesome!!! 3lbs, wow!! I am super impressed. I am also weighing in at 152, so I am right there with you. Way to go.

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